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Physical Properties

MoldMaker-55 Physical Properties
Color/Clearity Visual Amber/Opaque
Flex Modulus ASTM D790 35k psi
Tensile Strength ASTM D412  2000 psi
Hardness -Shore D ASTM D785 55
Abrasion -TaberCS17 ASTM D4060 50 mg/1k cycles
Tear Strength ASTM D624 250 lbs/ linear in.
Gel Time Time 10-12 min
Mix Ratio PBV 1A:3B
MoldMaker-48 Flexible  Physical Properties
Color/Clearity Visual Amber/Opaque
Flex Modulus ASTM D790 25k psi
Tensile Strength ASTM D412  1800 psi
Elongation ASTM D412  400%
Hardness -Shore A ASTM D785 48
Abrasion -TaberCS17 ASTM D4060 50 mg/1k cycles
Tear Strength ASTM D624 200 lbs/ linear in.
Gel Time Time 10-12 min
Mix Ratio PBV 1A:5B

Mixing Instructions

MoldMaker may be mixed and dispensed using a plural component pumping machine for pour casting or RIM injection. It also may be dispensed using pneumatic cartridge guns with static mixer tubes or hand batch mixed in bucket using jiffy mixer. When hand mixing, stir slowly and carefully as to not induce air into resin mixture. Cured molding material produces a smooth glossy surface. Surface preparation of master plugs or forms is directly reflected to mold the surface. To obtain a Class A mold surface, mold surfaces must be polished smooth and free of pin holes. MoldMaker must be poured from bottom-up as to avoid air pocket trapping. For closed mold RIM, always provide adequate air-bleed tunnels or vents throughout mold perimeter. Just after the completion of liquid resin mold pour, small entrapped air bubbles may be relieved by quickly waving over the pour surface with propane torch. Please email our Technical Support Group for any questions regarding material, application or direction of use.